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Letters to the Earth

by Patrick O'Sullivan
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Nature is a hundred different things all at once. It puts a value on slowness in a world that makes rushing a virtue. It is the fox and the lark and the crest of the ocean wave. It is the gorse and the heather and the promise of summer. It is winter shining. It is the very breath of earth itself, the green grass warm and growing. Nature is part of what we are, part of our humanity.

Letters to the Earth is a celebration of nature in all its diversity and richness. Written as a series of letters, this book reflects on the beauty of the changing seasons. In describing the uniqueness of Irish flora and fauna, it contains a very simple and gentle philosophy about relating to and drawing inspiration from nature. In an age that values only material success and takes no account of the spirit Letters to the Earth reminds us of the importance of paying homage to our natural world.