PRODUCT CODE: 9780995582507

The Opens Gardens of Ireland

by Shirley Lanigan
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The Open Gardens of Ireland as seen on Nation Wide.

From the tiniest town garden to the grandest castle demesne and historic country house, from the most hidden sanctuary to our best loved public properties; this guide takes you on a grand tour of Ireland and 427 gardens that you can visit.

Meet gardeners who tend trees and flowers, build miniature castles, mind orphaned owls and even one who found a garden use for the nose cone of a Jumbo jet.

There are gardens that can boast art galleries, riding schools and temples to Egyptian goddesses. Others with museums dedicated to science and astronomy, Lady Gregory, the Great Famine, agriculture and Irish furniture.

The ever-growing number of gardeners working organically give tips on fighting garden foes and nurturing natural allies. You can even learn about growing a nuttery from a bag of supermarket walnuts.

Irish horticulture has never been more vital and Irish gardeners have never been so welcoming.