PRODUCT CODE: 9780879466527

Seasons of the Slavic Soul

by Clare M. Anderson
€12.95 €6.49 50%
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What makes Slavic, and specifically Polish, spirituality unique and compelling today? The rich and long Slavic spiritual tradition holds that everyday holiness thrives on different seasons—through Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter and from consolation to desolation and everything in between. Claire Anderson, of Polish descent and currently the Director of Siena Retreat Center in Wisconsin, explores this tradition and expands it by connecting these seasons to the rhythms and practices in her own Polish cultural tradition and the physical world around her.

Seasons of the Slavic Soul is an ideal companion for both nature retreat and spiritual pilgrimage—or a combination of the two. Drawing on the author’s deep engagement through years of travel and research, the book introduces the reader into the vast spiritual and cultural resources within the Polish community and invites awareness of the connections between us human beings and the natural world. It reveals the gift that is at the heart of all life.

Anderson characterizes Seasons of the Slavic Soul as “a journey of integration.” Readers who join her quest for an authentic Polish spirituality will be well rewarded.